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Parma Style Eggplant

- Eggplant
- Ekici Mozzarella Cheese
- Ekici Shredded Kashar
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Flour
- Scrambled Egg
- Black pepper - salt
- Tomato sauce
- Slice the eggplants in the form of liras with a thickness of 0,5 without removing their peels.
- Fry the eggplants in extra virgin olive oil after being submerg3ed into egg first.
- Add the oven place salt - black pepper and sauce o0nto the eggplants and place mozzarella cheese, this process is made one on another and the top point is the mozzarella cheese.
- Ekici Shredded kashar is spread and services after being ovened for a period of 15 minutes with sauce.